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모바일 (밤모드 이용시)
l조회 181l
이 글은 8년 전 (2016/1/16) 게시물이에요

someone uploaded a post asking about good sat score and all of the comments were like "2200 is pretty good" and I was like omg wth LOL 

in my school 1800-1950 is good and if someone gets over 2100 we r like holly crapp...

진짜 2100 넘으면 넘나 잘하는군데.....
ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ 내점수 눈감아

8년 전
인티하는 행들은 다 천재인가보ㅏ....
8년 전
well tbh i got lower than 2000 but my score was around 1900~1950 range. It wasn't that everyone here got high scores, but it's just that the ones with high score are more likely to write out their score i guess :c
8년 전
Nope my score probably be the lowest here and I got into pretty prestigious school
8년 전
우리학교에서는 거의 2100+ 이긴 한데, 문제사고 아프다고 뻥치고 시험 시간 늘려서 본 사람들도 있어서 나는 차라리 점수 조금 낮아도 양심에 걸리거나 할 내용은 없어서 부끄러움은 없다!!
8년 전
That depends on the school. 2100 was good enough score in my high school, and lowest score in my class was 1880.
8년 전
yeah depends on the school. we're like top 10 high school in california and everyone else in our school gets around 2000+ on their sat and most of my asian friends got at least 2150+. 2200 is , in my opinion, a really great score enough to get into the college they want but the majority of students in our school are thinking 2200 is just pretty good to them. +) in my case, i took act and got 33 at first time and now im gonna take once again on this April so that i can get 35~36.
8년 전
나 freshman 인데 이번에 2130 받았었어. 그때 애들이 다 잘했다고 해주긴 했는데 우리학교 senior들은 2100대가 나오면 다들 우울해하고 다시 보더라... maybe it's because our school is filled with asians lol but idk in our school i think we need at least 2200....
8년 전
로그인 후 댓글을 달아보세요

혹시 지금 한국이 아니신가요!?
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