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카카오톡 공유
주소 복사
모바일 (밤모드 이용시)
l조회 641l 1
이 글은 3년 전 (2020/11/04) 게시물이에요
ㄹㅇ 당황스럽다...ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 

like do they even know what theyre talking about LOL
추천  1

ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 내말이 I don’t rly care about their views but I just want them to research on their own before spitting out those shallow knowledges from comments that they saw
3년 전
IKRRRR like i have no idea why they think trump is so good for korea and biden is so bad... honestly korea dont even matter and none of them favor korea over anything... these dumbasses smh
3년 전
본문 댓글 다 받음... 당황시럽
3년 전
Nope. They don’t know what they are talking about & it’s so frustrating. Yeah, I get that the past 4 years Trump was nicer to KR, but how long will he be? He doesn’t care about KR, only about his image and how he’s perceived. Looks like it worked to people in KR.
3년 전
dude exactly... he doesnt give a shit about korea and he’s planning to raise taxes on them when he gets reelected too. idk why they also think biden is so favored towards japan and china like he doesnt favor any of korea japan china either... idk where they getting their facts
3년 전
They should think about who would be better for the US overall? If Trump gets elected there is no America. Everything plummets.
3년 전
Well they don’t care about who would be better for the US. They are not american
3년 전
난 안봐 아예 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 백날 말해도 친중친일 얘기하고 한국은 트럼프가 당선되야 좋다 하고 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
3년 전
한국 입장에서는 당연히 중국 일본 패는게 속 시원하겠지만 미국에 있는 멍청한 지지자들은 아시아 국가들을 전체로 패는걸로 안다고...그 사람들은 아시안 보고 중국인, 일본인, 한국인 구분이 안 간다고. 그리고 뭐 미세먼지 때문에 중국을 팬다? 트럼프는 항상 말만 많지 걔는 항상 미국 아닌 나라 다 욕한다고 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 그리고 트럼프랑 공화당 지지자들 과학 믿지도 않아...
3년 전
그니까 중국이랑 일본을 팬다고 한국 좋아하는거 절대 아니고 걔넨 아시아에 중국 일본 인도 이정도 밖에 모르는 무식이들이 많아서 그러는거임 사실상 아시아인들 싹다 패는건데 그걸 이렇게 감싸주고 바이든을 친중친일ㅋㅋㅌㅋㅌㅋㅋㅋ
3년 전
다 알고 봐도 트럼프가 낫다는데 여긴 트럼프뿐만 아니라 공화당 전체가 범죄자들이라 당연히 한국은 모르지...너무 답답해. 그리고 선동이 쉬워서 바이든을 나쁜쪽으로만 몰아세우는 글이 많아지는것도 스트레스...
3년 전
바이든이 왜 나아? 물어보면 당연히 친중친일이구 나이가 많고 소아성애자니까! 라고 답할듯 트럼프는 중국 잘 패니까 좋고 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 진짜 어디서 나온 얘기인지 뉴스 좀만 읽으면 바로 알텐데
3년 전
트럼프 “grab them by the pussy” 이런건 왜 눈 감아주는거? 그리고 성매매, 성폭행까지 한 사람인데...여성 인권, 유색인종 생각 하나도 안하는 놈이 중국을 잘 팬다는걸로 지지하는거 이해 못 해

3년 전
삭제된 댓글
(2020/11/05 2:33:47에 규칙 위반으로 삭제된 댓글입니다)

3년 전
삭제된 댓글에게
미국 지지자들도 트럼프가 이상한 소리하면 “he was just kidding!!” 이런 말 나오는데 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 눈막귀막

3년 전
forreals i was taken aback by the shallow view people have on this site and now they are even shitting on immigrants and international students... like do you really think supporting trump would be better for korea? after seeing how racist he is esp during covid? yeah maybe in terms of foreign policy it might be better, but do note that trump thinks of korea as his “toy”
3년 전
im not saying biden is much better but at least he has the courage to bring up issues with racism and inequality... it just made me realize how homogeneous korea is and people don’t understand the degree of unfairness and corruption trump has brought internationally
3년 전
he praised xi jinping...doesn’t that make him 친중? Also why are they believing Trump’s lies about voter fraud....
3년 전
그러니까ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 친중 친일 ㅋ 그렇게 단편적으로만 판단하다니... since when did they care so much about american politics?
3년 전
3년 전
삭제한 댓글
(본인이 직접 삭제한 댓글입니다)
3년 전
3년 전
3년 전
thank god for these comments yall i was literally so heated about how ignorant ppl on this cite are LOL
3년 전
I see their point of supporting trump because it would be better for korea
biden might be pro china and japan but trump is just straight out racist
and people choosing to support him just blows my mind

3년 전
but like i dont get why it would be better for korea cuz trump is literally trying to raise taxes on the military for korea...? but biden is not doing anything against korea...? trump has negative effects on korea while biden has nothing. biden just support international relations not japan or china LOL.

and yes youre right. trump is just straight out racist, and they have the stupidity to support someone that hates them

3년 전
Exactly that's what I don't understand I'm pretty sure the people here don't know about that and they don't like Biden because they think Biden will support China and Japan with everything and disregard Korea completely
3년 전
yeah and that's just straight up wrong. i have never in my life heard that biden supports china and japan as much as these people think he does on this website.
3년 전
Biden supports international relations not just china and japan
Honestly people here are so caught up in their own thoughts they're ignoring everything we've got to say

3년 전
ikr he just supports international relations and that in no way should make him 친중친일... yes people here don't even want to listen to the other side. i earlier tried to explain why what they're saying is false and they're just like stop judging me blah blah blah. honestly a bunch of them supporting trump on this app is just peer pressure and 물타기 and they don't wanna believe that it is

3년 전
exactly and some of them take this as a joke when some people got their lives on the line

3년 전
yes. do they even understand that all these stores and buildings are boarding up their walls for this election? the fear that people are going through if trump gets re-elected? i get that you only care about korea's rights, but that's just inhumane. and they prob get so heated when they experience racism or any kind of hate from somebody.

3년 전
exactly with trump around racism won't go away it'll only get worse not to mention homophobia, transphobia, and islamophobia

3년 전
나 아까 한참 과열됐을때 그래서 나갔다옴,, ㅋㅋ
3년 전
나도ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 틱톡이나 레딧 갔다가 익외거주 여기에 들어와서 좀 숨쉼...
3년 전
삭제된 댓글
(2020/11/05 12:53:39에 규칙 위반으로 삭제된 댓글입니다)
3년 전
맞아 나도 여기 거의 안 들어오다가 오늘 생각나서 들어옴ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 오자마자 글 제목들 보고 사이다ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
3년 전
ㅠㅠㅠ흐규... 나 왜 규칙위반이냐....... 아무말도 안 썼는데ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 엉엉 너무 억울해...
3년 전
omgggg its prob some conservative korean who was peeping in here that reported you🤡 literal clowns

3년 전
삭제한 댓글
(본인이 직접 삭제한 댓글입니다)
3년 전
exactly. honestly i just stopped trying to understand them cuz they're literally not making any sense at all. they are just spitting out random information and big words here and there so they sound like they know whats going on but they don't at all. don't listen to their ignorant asses smh
3년 전
삭제한 댓글
(본인이 직접 삭제한 댓글입니다)
3년 전
omg IKRRR like i've been on this website since it literally opened and they telling me to get off cuz im an american. like stfu and go to sleep smh
3년 전
and honestly how is biden the only one supportive to china or japan? how can they be so sure that trump isn't going to favor their side when things actually happen?
3년 전
ikr and honestly biden don't favor anybody, he's just pro international relations. meanwhile trump HATES asia and asians and will raise taxes for military when he gets reelected. so idk who they think it beneficial for korea rn.
3년 전
i knoww i'm just thinking arent we even korean now like i thought they seemed to care when theres like news about asians being racially hated but how can they support sme who supports rAciSM? ????? like am i trippin here what how just how ??????
3년 전
dude IKRRRRR like what are all these hypocrites. they get so HEATED when they see the TINIEST bit of racism but then they are literally supporting the icon of racism rn. are they kidding me. how stupid do you have to be????

3년 전
i i just can't its too much lmaooo they should at least try to think about all of the koreans stuck here with fear of being harassed at least once if they really care about us election that much

3년 전
exactly. but they honestly don't even know the full picture and can only see the tiniest things that other people mention on the comment themselves

3년 전
i just feel rly bad for the op in 초록글 like he/she didnt have to see all the negative comments op was just expressing her feelings which i felt exactly the same

3년 전
ikr they literally just bullying her i cry... there's nothing wrong w what she posted either

3년 전
ㅇㅈㅇㅈ 진짜 어제부터 계속 대선 관련 글 올라오는데 한국에 사는 사람들 중엔 트럼프 지지하는 사람만 있나 싶을 정도로 다 댓글들이 트럼프 쪽이더라
3년 전
맞아... 한국인들은 다 외교관계만 신경쓰는건가... 트럼프 된다고 한국에 그렇게 좋은 것도 아닌데ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
3년 전
삭제된 댓글
(2020/11/05 16:40:44에 규칙 위반으로 삭제된 댓글입니다)
3년 전
그니까ㅠㅠ 바이든 이렇게 싫어하는 것도 이해가 안돼
3년 전
솔직히 둘 다 도찐개찐이지만 트럼프 보다는 어떻게 봐도 바이든인데 그 친일 친중 때문에 바이든은 안된다니...
3년 전
내말이ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 바이든이 진짜 친중친일도 아닌데 하ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 이렆게 우리 바이든 지지한다고 욕할거면 본인들도 남의 나라에 대해서 왈가왈부 안했으면ㅠㅠ

3년 전
본문하고 댓글 다 받는다 실질적으로 미국에 살지 않기에 뭐 그렇게 얘기할 수 있음 근데 바이든 지지한다고 하면 친중 취급하고 험한말 하는 거 보고 에휴
3년 전
로그인 후 댓글을 달아보세요

혹시 지금 한국이 아니신가요!?
여행 l 외국어 l 해외거주 l 해외드라마
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by 콩딱
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by 한도윤
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전체 인기글 l 안내
9/23 7:56 ~ 9/23 7:58 기준
1 ~ 10위
11 ~ 20위
1 ~ 10위
11 ~ 20위
해외거주 인기글 l 안내
1/1 8:58 ~ 1/1 9:00 기준
1 ~ 10위