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이 글은 4년 전 (2020/1/25) 게시물이에요

정보 : 現 하버드대학교 행정학 교수인 Harvey C. Mansfield가 

학술지 "The New Atlantis"에 기고한 40문단짜리 논문 

'Science and Non Science in Liberal Education(2013)'에서 

22번째 문단을 발췌해, 마지막 문장을 빈칸으로 뚫어버린 지문이다. 

2014 수능 영어(2013년 11월 시행) 35번에 출제되었으며, 

5지선다 문제인데도 정답률 15.4%를 기록했다.


빈칸 찾기 문제(35번, 3점) :

Mathematics will attract those it can attract, 

but it will do nothing to overcome resistance to science. 

Science is universal in principle but in practice it speaks to very few. 

Mathematics may be considered a communication skill of the highest type, 

frictionless so to speak; and at the opposite pole from mathematics, 

the fruits of science show the practical benefits of science 

without the use of words. But those fruits are ambivalent. 

Science as science does not speak; 

ideally, all scientific concepts are mathematized when scientists 

communicate with one another, 

and when science displays its products to non-scientists it need not, 

and indeed is not able to, resort to salesmanship. 

When science speaks to others, it is no longer science, 

and the scientist becomes or has to hire a publicist 

who dilutes the exactness of mathematics. 

In doing so, 

the scientist reverses his drive toward mathematical exactness 

in favor of rhetorical vagueness and metaphor, 

thus ______________________. (3점)

① degrading his ability to use the scientific language needed for good salesmanship.

② surmounting the barrier to science by associating science with mathematics

③ inevitably making others who are unskillful in mathematics hostile to science

④ neglecting his duty of bridging the gap between science and the public

⑤ violating the code of intellectual conduct that defines him as a scientist.



논문 링크 = https://www.thenewatlantis.com/publications/science-and-non-science-in-liberal-education

수능 오답률 84.6%짜리 문제 | 인스티즈


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