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모바일 (밤모드 이용시)
l조회 93l
이 글은 8년 전 (2015/12/04) 게시물이에요

ok so i had this project called OPVL source evaluation where i have to write stuff about the main source thingy right

my teacher told us to use the template and there was a textbox that he made for us

i obviously thought that we were only supposed to use the space (text box) given so i wrote like 3 sentences (per section), compressing all the information

but then he's now saying that it should be like 2 paragraphs im like wtf

he didnt give any instructions on length nor the project itself, saying that it's supposed to be done outside

so basically i wrote 3 sentences in the project which is gonna be the final assessment of this semester

i literally want to shoot myself

ugh....sorry to hear that. your teacher is irresponsible. weren't there anyone who's placed in same situation with you? did you tell about this to your teacher?
If I faced same situation like you,I would be soooooo mad......cheer up :(

8년 전
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