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이 글은 2년 전 (2021/5/15) 게시물이에요
제목: Little Sunshine가수: Christopher 


Little sunshine on his street 

I see her footprints in the snow 

And I used to drag my feet 

Now I know which way to go 


It's been a year now, I can't wait 

Only one month at the fair 

To see your pretty face 

I missed you so much and I swear 


If I could keep you, then I would 

'Cause we both know we can't stop 

I've been thinking about you for 11 months now 

I can't let you go like this, knowing that you're not mine 

And then miss you for 11 months again 


Little sunshine on his street 

I'm smiling at you till you blush 

There should be more days like these 

My one and only Christmas crush 


And I won't let you go back 

I've said that every year 

And we're both not fine with that 

Just let me make this clear 


If I could keep you, then I would 

'Cause we both know we can't stop 

I've been thinking about you for 11 months now 

I can't let you go like this, knowing that you're not mine 

And then miss you for 11 months again 


Now baby, look at me, tell me what you see 

We both know you're gonna leave 

So let's make the best of the time we have 

'Cause we'll never get it back 


I wanna see you smile, baby, don't you cry 

Let's remember tonight 

Maybe it's the last one that we ever have 

And we might never get it back 


If I could keep you, then I would 

'Cause we both know we can't stop 

I've been thinking about you for 11 months now 

I can't let you go like this, knowing that you're not mine 

And then miss you for 11 months again 



Little Sunshine 


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